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Hauraki Gulf Islands  review

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Issues and options papers

Essentially Waiheke

'Essentially Waiheke - A Village and Rural Communities Strategy' was adopted by Council in October 2000. The main purpose of this document is to "establish a community approved framework for Waiheke's development and to signpost the directions towards a sustainable future, where opportunities for development are facilitated and the Island's community values and outstanding natural environment are respected and nurtured."

This document was formulated after extensive consultation with the Waiheke community over two and a half years. It is a non-statutory document that is very popular with the Waiheke community. The principles and actions of the strategy are broad and wide-ranging. Sections of the Waiheke community have been supportive of incorporating Essentially Waiheke into the Hauraki Gulf Islands (HGI) District Plan.

A review and evaluation of Essentially Waiheke has been undertaken. The review included the development of a matrix listing key strategies and actions within Essentially Waiheke and describing Council's progress in achieving these actions, as well as outlining what is planned for the future. Where the analysis has highlighted that changes should be made to the actions within Essentially Waiheke, these changes have been referenced in the matrix.

The review and recommended changes went to the Waiheke Community Board in February 2005.

Currently the HGI Plan does not refer to Essentially Waiheke because the Plan was adopted before Essentially Waiheke was developed. What status should Essentially Waiheke have in the HGI Plan? Should it be referred to, or incorporated in whole, in part or not at all?

In addition, since a number of the actions within Essentially Waiheke either explicitly refer to or relate to the HGI Plan, it is important that these actions be considered.

Possible approaches

You may have a better or alternative approach to those outlined below. If so, we would like to hear from you.

  • The status quo, in which there is no reference to Essentially Waiheke in the HGI plan. (This would not be supported by the community.)
  • Consider the actions that relate to the function of the HGI Plan.
  • Insert the entire Essentially Waiheke document into the existing HGI Plan.
  • Incorporate only the central principles of Essentially Waiheke into the HGI Plan. These principles are environmental protection, economic development and employment, strong communities, protection and enhancement of Waiheke's character and principles of location.


While this issue paper can be read in isolation, it is best read in association with the issue papers relating to: