Plans, policies and reports
Hauraki Gulf Islands reviewIssues and options papersFinancial ContributionsIssue In the HGI Plan, financial contributions are taken for two reasons:
The Local Government Act 2002 allows for a different regime called development contributions. This regime provides an alternative means of recovering growth costs from those who create new development. Development contributions are paid by people and organisations who apply for service connections, building consents, and resource consents (subdivision and land use consents). Development contributions are entirely separate from financial contributions (which are managed under the Resource Management Act 1991). A single development may therefore be charged a mixture of development contributions and financial contributions for different purposes, for example storm water or open space. They will not be charged under both policies for the same purpose. For example, if we assume that financial contributions policies are already in place for open space and for storm water, then, where a decision is made to introduce development contributions policies for these, the development contributions will be applied instead of (not as well as) the existing financial contributions policies. Auckland City will shortly consult on its development contributions policy which may be in place for 1 July 2005 for the isthmus. There is no immediate plan to implement a development contributions strategy for the Hauraki Gulf islands, so financial contributions, through the district plan process, are likely to be the principal means for recovering the costs of development in the coming years. Financial contributions cannot be levied under any revised section of the District Plan until that particular section of the Plan is operative. Therefore the existing financial contributions section of the District Plan will be used to mitigate the impact of development until the new financial contributions section is operative. The financial contributions section of the current District Plan needs to be reviewed in light of case law decisions, best practice and amendments to the Resource Management Act. In determining how various costs will be met, the Council has to give regard to what is a fair sharing of costs between existing residents and new residents. This matter is not easy to resolve, for just as new residents and businesses place additional demands on local services and environments, they also contribute to a growing rating base that will fund service expansion and environmental protection. Bearing in mind the contribution that new residents and businesses will make as ratepayers, the Council has to consider the share of the costs of growth from them in the form of financial contributions. Possible approaches You may have a better or alternative approach to those outlined below. If so, we would like to hear from you.
Note: While this issue paper can be read in isolation, it is best read in association with the issue papers relating to: