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Plans, policies and reports

Hauraki Gulf Islands  review

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Issues and options papers

The Hauraki Gulf is a place of environmental beauty and a very special place for both locals and visitors alike. The next Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan will take the islands forward to 2020 and we can only guess the changes that may impact on the Gulf during this time. The review of the District Plan is an opportunity to look at how we contribute to the social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the islands - factors which contribute to the purpose of the Resource Management Act.

The Resource Management Act 1991 requires us to act in a sustainable manner. We need to be able to provide for the needs of present and future generations so that development undertaken today is sustainable in the longer-term. This collection of documents presents 'issues' relating to the current Plan, which have been identified through discussions with the community. The documents put forward various approaches that could be taken in dealing with each of these.

These lists are not exhaustive. You may have other issues or other ways of dealing with them that have not already been identified. Alternatively, you may not consider them to be of concern. We hope that this document will encourage you to think about the challenges that face the Hauraki Gulf Islands, now and in the future. To discuss them with your family, friends, neighbours and the wider community and to consider how the next Hauraki Gulf District Plan can ensure and enable desirable outcomes for the Gulf. We hope that as many people as possible will take an active interest in how the Hauraki Gulf Islands are developed in the future. We look forward to your response.

The Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan Review Working Party

Cr Faye Storer - Chair
Cr Christine Caughey
Cr Neil Abel
Ray Ericson
Tony Bouzaid