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District Plan Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Proposed 2006(Notified version 2006)Street index | Planning maps | Text | Appendices | Annexures | Section 32 material | Plan modifications | Help | Notified - Home | Decision - Home Summary report on submissions to the Auckland City District Plan: Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Proposed 2006
1.0 IntroductionFor ease of use and understanding, the heritage submissions and further submissions have been divided into the seven disciplines as well as an overall report which addresses submissions that broadly deal with the heritage section, or address more than one discipline. This report considers submissions and further submissions ('submissions') that were received by the council in relation to part 7.10, and the associated appendices, of the Auckland City District Plan: Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Proposed 2006 ('the Plan'). The Plan was publicly notified on 18 September 2006. The closing date for lodging submissions was 11 December 2006. The submissions and summary of decisions requested were publicly notified for further submission on 29 April 2007. The closing date for lodging further submissions was 28 May 2007. This report has been prepared under section 42A of the Resource Management Act 1991 ('the RMA'), to assist the hearings panel to consider the submissions on the conservation area. This report discusses the submissions (grouped by subject matter or individually) and includes recommendations from the planner who prepared this report. The recommendations identify whether each submission should be accepted or rejected (in full or in part) and what amendments (if any) should be made to the Plan to address matters raised in submissions. Further submissions are not specifically addressed but are dealt with in conjunction with the submissions to which they relate. The recommendations contained in this report are not decisions of the council. The council will issue its decisions following consideration of the submissions, further submissions, any supporting evidence presented at the hearing, and this report. The council's decisions will be released after all the hearings to the Plan have been completed. 2.0 Statutory frameworkThis section of the report briefly sets out the statutory framework within which the council must consider the submissions. In preparing this report the submissions and, in particular, the decisions requested in the submissions, have been considered in light of the relevant statutory matters. These were summarised by the Environment Court in Eldamos Investments Limited v Gisborne District Council W 047/05 where the court set out the following measures for evaluating objectives, policies, rules and other methods in district plans:
The purpose of the RMA is "to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources", and "sustainable management" is defined in section 5(2) as meaning: "... managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources in a way, or at a rate, which enables people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing and for their health and safety while— (a) Sustaining the potential of natural and physical resources (excluding minerals) to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations; and (b) Safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of air, water, soil, and ecosystems; and (c) Avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment." Along with section 5, part 2 of the RMA includes sections 6 (matters of national importance), 7 (other matters) and 8 (Treaty of Waitangi), which set out a range of matters that the council needs to recognise and provide for in achieving the purpose of the RMA. Those matters are also relevant when considering submissions. The Plan must assist the council to carry out its functions under section 31 of the RMA. These functions are: "(a) The establishment, implementation, and review of objectives, policies, and methods to achieve integrated management of the effects of the use, development, or protection of land and associated natural and physical resources of the district: (b) the control of any actual or potential effects of the use, development, or protection of land, including for the purpose of— (i) the avoidance or mitigation of natural hazards; and (ii) the prevention or mitigation of any adverse effects of the storage, use, disposal, or transportation of hazardous substances; and (iia) the prevention or mitigation of any adverse effects of the development, subdivision, or use of contaminated land: (iii) the maintenance of indigenous biological diversity: (c) ... (d) The control of the emission of noise and the mitigation of the effects of noise: (e) The control of any actual or potential effects of activities in relation to the surface of water in rivers and lakes." In addition to the matters listed above from the Eldamos decision:
3.0 BackgroundThis section of the report sets out background information about the topic under consideration. It identifies how the Plan deals with conservation areas that fall within Part 7.10 and appendices 1c, 3 and 4 of the Plan. The intention of conservation areas is to maintain the unique character of the whole area against development, demolition or other works that are not in sympathy with the era, style or character to be conserved. Currently, only one conservation area is applied in the HGI and this applies to Rocky Bay (Omiha), on Waiheke island. 4.0 Analysis of submissions4.1 IntroductionThis section of the report discusses the decisions requested in submissions about part 7.10, conservation areas, and appendices 1c, 3 and 4. The submissions are addressed under subject headings. While the relevant statutory matters (identified in section 2.0 of this report) will not necessarily be referred to directly, the discussion and recommendations have given appropriate consideration to these and any other relevant matters. A list of the submissions which raise issues about Part 7 - Heritage together with the related further submissions is contained in appendix 1. Appendix 2 contains the summary of the decisions requested by the submissions considered in this report. Any amendments to the Plan recommended in response to submissions are identified in this section of the report and are further detailed in appendix 3. The list of submissions contained in appendix 1 may include some submissions and further submissions which were received 'late', ie they were received after the closing date for lodging submissions (11 December 2006) or further submissions (28 May 2007). All late submissions were considered by the hearing panel at the start of the hearing process and the panel has already waived the failure to comply with the time limit for any late submissions or further submissions listed in appendix 1. This has been done in accordance with sections 37 and 37A of the RMA. 4.2 Submissions about clause 7.10 - Conservation areasSubmissions dealt with in this section: 154/2, 340/1, 1169/1, 1228/7-10, 2801/1, 2802/1, 3667/1, 3815/1, 2191/2, 2192/1, 2641/52, 2091/9, 7/1, 50/1, 51/1, 1107/2, 941/40, 2581/1, 1169/2, 1228/8, 1235/1, 1243/58, 2008/2, 3, 2191/3, 2192/2, 3554/1, 3722/1, 501/1, 1235/2, 2008/4, 2191/4, 2191/5, 6 & 7 and 2192/3-6. 4.2.1 Decisions requestedVarious submissions seek that the conservation area controls that apply to Rocky Bay are removed from the Plan. Others request that they are modified, or retained. An outline of the of the relief sought is provided as follows:
4.2.2 Planner's analysis and recommendationsBrief explanation of conservation areas The intention of a conservation area is to maintain the unique character of an area against development, demolition or other works that are not in sympathy with the era, style or character to be conserved. Clause 7.10 outlines the issues, objective, policies, rules and matters of discretion. The rules generally require restricted discretionary activity consent for modification or removal of existing buildings, structures, vegetation or features and for constructing new buildings within a conservation area. There are a variety of matters of discretion which generally reference the character statement for the conservation area; the ICOMOS New Zealand charter; the affect on the streetscape appearance and character of the area. As notified, the Plan only defines one conservation area, at Rocky Bay, which is defined in appendix 1c - schedule of conservation areas - inner islands. Appendix 2c contains the schedule of conservation areas - outer islands, which at this stage does not contain any conservation area. Appendix 3 contains the character statements for the conservation areas, as there is only one conservation area in the Plan as notified, it only contains the character statement for Rocky Bay. It provides a brief outline of how Rocky Bay developed and its attributes which contribute to an overall character. Appendix 4.3 contains the criteria for scheduling conservation areas. These are as follows: A conservation area must be an identified, physical, cultural or social entity, even though it may be composed of a wide variety of features. The interrelationship of its features must:
2. A conservation area can also be composed of two or more definable significant areas separated by non-significant areas. A discontinuous conservation area is characterised by:
The Rocky Bay conservation was assessed against these criteria and scheduled in the Plan (council ref: 15-10). While clause 7.10 is generic in the sense that it could be applied to any area that meets the conservation area criteria, as noted above, currently there is only one conservation area, Rocky Bay. This is because at the time of notification no other areas were assessed in sufficient detail to be included in the Plan as conservation areas. Therefore, the majority of the submissions address clause 7.10 as it relates to the Rocky Bay conservation area. As outlined in sections 4.2.1, 4.3.1 and 4.4.1 of this report the submissions seek a variety of relief. In broad terms this is outlined below, with some of the implications of the relief sought also addressed.
It is noted that the conservation area is an 'overlay' which provides additional protection above the other controls in the Plan. In relation to Rocky Bay the relevant land units are recreation 1 (local parks and esplanade reserves), recreation 2 (community facilities and sports parks), commercial 3 (local shops) and island residential 2 (bush residential). There are also various scheduled items located within the conservation area as follows: Scheduled buildings
Archaeological site
Scheduled tree
Geological site
There are also other non scheduled archaeological sites within the conservation area. The predominant land units are recreation 1 and island residential 2. The objectives for the island residential 2 land unit is to control residential development to a scale, intensity and appearance which is complementary to the bush clad character of the natural environment and to retain the indigenous vegetation cover. Restricted discretionary activity consent is required for the construction of new buildings and alterations and additions to existing buildings. For the recreation 1 land unit the objective is to facilitate the enjoyment of local parks for passive recreation while protecting the visual amenity and ecological value of the land unit. As with the island residential 2 land unit restricted discretionary activity consent is required for the construction of new buildings and alterations and additions to existing buildings. The standard development controls for these land units also apply, as do the earthworks and vegetation controls. Resource consent is also required to modify any of the scheduled items located within the conservation area. Obviously the subdivision controls address subdivision. For conservation areas the key policies seek to ensure that land use and development does not detract from the values for which it was protected. The Rocky Bay conservation areas values are outlined in the character statement. In summary, the character statement describes Rocky Bay as a rare and pristine example of a foundation settlement. It began as a Maori settlement, and remnants of that still remain. It was subdivided in the early 1920's and was originally accessed by sea. It contains some of the original buildings that contributed to the settlement, such as the store, community centre and flagpole. There is also some reasonably mature bush and geological sites. Therefore, the essential qualities of the conservation area are the centre itself with its major component items, the central bush-clad reserve and its shorelines. Therefore there is a variety of features that contribute to an overall heritage/character value for Rocky Bay. However, it is acknowledged that these individual values are protected through the Plan provisions that sit beneath the conservation area controls. For example, subdivision controls the pattern of settlement and within the conservation area there is no subdivision potential; the vegetation controls and objectives and policies of the relevant land units protect the bush; the land unit controls require resource consent for all new buildings, and additions to existing buildings, and the scheduled items are protected through the heritage provisions. Non scheduled archaeological sites are protected by the Historic Places Act. Additionally, council owns Glen Brook reserve, which forms the bush clad backdrop to the conservation area. Given the land unit, heritage and development controls clearly go some way toward protecting those values that are attributed to the Rocky Bay conservation area, in accordance with section 32 of the RMA it is important to consider the alternatives, benefits and costs of the provisions, as notified.
Alternatives could be to modify the existing provisions so greater direction is provided about the outcome that is being sought. This is the preferred option of council's chief heritage advisor. Another option would be to remove the existing provisions and insert some additional assessment criteria into the Island Residential 2 land unit to deal specifically with the built environment of Rocky Bay. Both of these options will require a significant amount of work and should be dealt with by way of a plan variation or change. Alternatively, the existing provisions could be removed from the Plan as they apply to Rocky Bay and the relevant land unit, development and heritage controls would apply. On balance, given the strong degree of control the Plan already exerts through the provisions that underlie the Rocky Bay conservation area the report author considers that these provisions will effectively achieve the outcomes that are sought by the conservation area. That is, the subdivision rules will control the density of development; the island residential 2 (bush residential) controls will address the scale, form, colour and location of new buildings or additions to existing buildings to ensure they are complementary to the bush clad environment; the development controls will address the bulk and location of buildings, earthworks, vegetation modification and removal, setbacks and significant ridgelines and the other heritage controls will protect the scheduled items. The integrity of the coastline is addressed through coastal setbacks, the Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal, the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement and the HGMPA. As the buildings, the bush, the scheduled items and the coastline are the independent parts that contribute to an overall character and these are already protected through existing controls it is considered that the Rocky Bay conservation area can be removed from the Plan. However, it is recommended that clause 7.10 remain in the Plan so that conservation areas that meet the assessment criteria can be added in the future. Therefore, the report author recommends that those submissions that seek the Rocky Bay conservation area be removed from the Plan (as it relates to clause 7.10) are accepted and those that seek its retention, or amendments to it (as it relates to clause 7.10), are rejected.
4.3 Submissions about appendix 1c - Schedule of conservation areas - inner islandsSubmissions dealt with in this section: 2641/54, 2877/4, 2880/1, 2881/1, 2882/1, 496/1, 154/3 and 3075/2. 4.3.1 Decisions requested
4.3.2 Planner's analysis and recommendationsAs outlined in section 4.2.2 of this report the intention of a conservation area is to maintain the unique character of an area against development, demolition or other works that are not in sympathy with the era, style or character to be conserved. In determining whether localities are worthy of recognition and protection as conservation areas criteria are outlined in appendix 4 of the Plan. As notified, the Rocky Bay conservation area is the only one that is currently included in the Plan. However, other areas may have a conservation area applied to them in the future, should they meet the criteria. At this stage no research has been undertaken on new conservation area(s) and whether they would be suitable for inclusion in the Plan. It is therefore recommended that these submissions are rejected.
4.4 Submissions about appendix 1c - schedule of conservation areas - inner islands - map reference 15-10Submissions dealt with in this section: 3717/1, 30/1, 1218/1, 1168/2, 58/1 & 2, 137/1, 136/1, 151/1, 154/1, 327/1, 479/1, 2089/1, 2757/1, 3722/2, 298/8, 380/8, 568/8, 586/8, 628/8, 634/8, 646/8, 673/8, 706/8, 731/8, 736/8, 748/8, 802/8, 819/8, 828/8, 837/8, 844/8, 850/8, 858/8, 871/8, 889/8, 902/8, 925/8, 928/8, 957/8, 1011/8, 1123/8, 1152/8, 1204/8, 1216/8, 1232/8, 1291/8, 1375/8, 1636/8, 1637/8, 1638/8, 1639/8, 1640/8, 1641/8, 1642/8, 1643/8, 1644/8, 1645/8, 1646/8, 1647/8, 1648/8, 1649/8, 1650/8, 1651/8, 1652/8, 1653/8, 1654/8, 1655/8, 1656/8, 1657/8, 1658/8, 1659/8, 1660/8, 1662/8, 1663/8, 2124/8, 2131/8, 2133/8, 2278/8, 2283/8, 2463/8, 2561/8, 2675/8, 2679/8, 2684/8, 2691/8, 2695/8, 2706/8, 2710/8, 2780/8, 2782/8, 2791/8, 2830/8, 2842/8, 2994/8, 3009/8, 3011/8, 3025/8, 3061/51, 3513/8, 3536/8, 3561/8, 3569/8, 3573/8, 3589/8, 3628/8, 3786/8, 3806/8, 3814/8, 3817/8, 3836/8, 3838/7, 324/1, 479/2, 486/1, 893/8, 2826/8, 893/9, 2826/9, 920/1, 944/1, 1053/1, 1107/1, 1120/1, 1169/3, 1228/1, 5 & 6, 1548/1, 1589/1, 2628/1, 3424/1, 3509/1, 3522/1, 3554/2, 3584/1, 2008/1, 2566/1 & 2, 2641/53, 2848/1, 3413/1 & 2, 3414/1, 3415/1, 3510/1, 3664/1 & 2, 3665/1, 3696/1, 3850/1 and 3081/1. 4.4.1 Decisions requested
4.4.2 Planner's analysis and recommendationsAs noted above a variety of decisions were requested seeking the retention, removal or modification to appendix 1c. It is considered that this issue has effectively been canvassed in section 4.2.2 of this report. Therefore the report author recommends that those submissions that seek the Rocky Bay conservation area be removed from the Plan are accepted and those that seek its retention, or amendments to it, are rejected. 5.0 ConclusionThis report has considered the decisions requested in submissions lodged regarding part 7.10 and the associated appendices of the Proposed Auckland City District Plan: Hauraki Gulf Islands Section 2006. The report recommends whether submissions should be accepted or rejected and how associated further submissions should be dealt with, and how the Plan should be modified as a result. These recommendations are made prior to the hearing of submissions and therefore without the benefit of evidence which may be presented at that time. At this stage before the hearing, it is recommended that clause 7.10 be retained but that the Rocky Bay conservation area be removed from the Plan for the reasons outlined in this report.
Appendix 1 List of submissions and further submissions Appendix 2 Summary of decisions requested Appendix 3 Recommended amendments to the Plan [1] No submissions specifically address appendix 3 or appendix 4.3 Published September 2008 |