Plans, policies and reports
District Plan Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Proposed 2006(Notified version 2006)Street index | Planning maps | Text | Appendices | Annexures | Section 32 material | Plan modifications | Help | Notified - Home | Decision - Home Part 5 Network utility services5.1 Introduction 5.1 IntroductionNetwork utility services in the islands involve a range of utilities such as electricity, telecommunications, wastewater and roads. Roads are addressed in this part of the Plan and are also dealt with in further detail in Part 13 - Connectivity and linkages. Network utility services provide an important part of the overall physical resources for the islands. They are also a means of providing for the economic and social wellbeing for the island communities. The RMA has an important role by giving a framework for providing for utility services in the district plan. This could be by way of providing for utility services by activity status, requiring resource consent or designation. It is also recognised that utility operators have specific legislative rights under legislation that expressly provides for utility services. Furthermore, in recognising other legislative requirements and documents throughout this part, it is recognised that the RMA is part of the overall framework that enables utility services to be provided for the community. The council recognises the importance of utility services but it also recognises the need to manage the effects of utilities in a sustainable manner that is in accordance with the RMA. 5.2 Resource management issuesThe significant resource management issues which need to be addressed in the Plan are:
5.3 Objectives and policies5.3.1 ObjectiveTo provide for the efficient establishment, operation and maintenance of network utility services in the islands. Policies
Explanation The Plan provides for the establishment and continued existence, operation and maintenance of network utilities. The council recognises the legislative rights of network utility operators to locate their services in the road. The council also encourages utility operators to co-ordinate and co-locate works especially in the road where disruption can cause substantial effects on both the community and the environment. To minimise these effects, the council has endorsed the document Code of Practice for Working in the Road which provides a consistent set of standards and is a partnership agreement between councils in the Auckland region and utility operators. Utility services located on private land will also have to comply with the Plan. The council also recognises the high level of technological change and wishes to encourage the provision of high speed broadband telecommunication services. 5.3.2 ObjectiveTo ensure adverse effects associated with network utilities such as noise, earthworks, odour, dust, spill lighting, air emissions, signs, electromagnetic field emissions and radio frequency fields (RF) are avoided, remedied or mitigated. Policies
Explanation Utility services have the potential to create adverse effects. The council wishes to ensure that appropriate standards are adopted throughout the Plan. The standards have been established to ensure that there is minimal adverse effect on the environment. The standards must be met during the establishment, operation and maintenance of utility services. Should the standards not be met, resource consent will be required to exceed the standards. 5.3.3 ObjectiveTo ensure that the establishment of network utility services do not detract from the visual amenity of the environment or any heritage values. Policies
Explanation Network utility equipment by its very nature is utilitarian. Its function often dictates its size and appearance. In recognising utility services as an essential part of the infrastructure, the council has also identified that utility services can be visually intrusive, especially in sensitive environments such as natural and built heritage areas and areas of high landscape value. Where new subdivision or development occurs undergrounding of services is required. However, the council also recognises that there maybe circumstances where topographical constraints, the nature of existing development and the associated cost of undergrounding makes this impracticable. The Plan recognises that the islands have a unique landscape and that some utility services can detract from the visual amenity of the landscape. The Plan requires visually significant above ground and overhead utility services that intend to locate on the coast, ridgelines, in the vicinity of heritage items and in areas of high landscape value to be assessed. The council recognises the high cost of undergrounding existing overhead lines, but believes that it is a realistic goal to provide for this in the medium-to-long term, particularly in the more built up urban areas of the islands. Therefore, where the road is being 'opened' by any utility operator, additional underground ducting for future utility services should be provided wherever practicable. While the council cannot compel utility operators to underground existing services, it encourages utility operators to enter into agreements such as a memorandum of understanding with the council and provide long term plans for undergrounding. This provides a clear commitment to the community that there is a desire to underground existing services. Providing for new overhead distribution lines in rural areas is also recognised by the council as it provides significant cost advantages. Where overhead lines are proposed to be located in sensitive landscapes, the council exercises a greater degree of control. There also needs to be a greater understanding that to underground overhead services to provide better visual amenity can be prohibitively expensive for utility operators. These high costs may delay services to the public so that new technology may not be readily available or may be provided at higher cost. A balance needs to be achieved that takes into account environmental, economic and social benefits and costs. The council will also require the removal of redundant or obsolete services in the road. The road is a valuable resource and has multiple functions such as providing public amenity and open space. The lack of road space often provides a hindrance in providing an efficient network utility service and public amenity and open space. The cumulative effect of aboveground and utility services in any one location can have an adverse effect on an area. There is a need to avoid a proliferation of separate structures and this requires a co-operative approach so that visual impacts are avoided or minimised. This is particularly relevant in the fast changing telecommunications industry where sites for cellular phone towers, antennas, and wireless internet services can be difficult to find. There have been recent innovations particularly within the telecommunications industry to design and install equipment which are visually compatible with the surrounding environment. Utility services such as metrolight poles and cell site antennas have been developed that are small in scale and not readily noticeable. The council encourages continued innovation to design utility services that are compatible with the surrounding environment. Generally, there needs to be a balance between providing utility services and ensuring that they do not detract from the environment in which they are located. The above policies recognise the unique nature of utility services while ensuring that they can be established, operated and maintained in a manner that has minor adverse effects on the environment. 5.4 Resource management strategyThe resource management strategy is to provide for the efficient establishment, operation and maintenance of network utilities for the islands. In particular, access to utility services of electricity, telecommunications, roading and in some instances wastewater are essential to the sustainability of the economic and social wellbeing of the community. While the Plan acknowledges the need for utility services, the Plan also seeks to ensure that any adverse effects on the environment are avoided, remedied or mitigated. In particular, the visual amenity of the islands is unique and the council wishes to ensure that any effects on these qualities are avoided or minimised. In particular, visually significant utility services to be located in the coastal areas, significant ridgelines, areas of high heritage or landscape value will require resource consent to assess any effects on the environment. The rules in the Plan and other regulatory methods such as bylaws are the primary methods used to ensure that the establishment, operation and maintenance of utility services do not result in adverse effects on the environment. However, the resource management strategy also relies on non-regulatory methods such as co-operation between utility operators and the council when providing utility services in the road. The council would also like to ensure co-operation between the utility operators to co-locate wherever possible to minimise the proliferation of services. Documents such as the Code of Practice for Working in the Road can also deliver environmental outcomes. The council may also enter into memorandum of understanding partnerships with utility operators. 5.5 Rules - activities5.5.1 Activity listThe activity statuses listed in the table below apply to network utility services in all land units, settlement areas and formed legal roads unless otherwise stated.
Legend P = Permitted Note:
5.5.2 Notification requirements for restricted discretionary activitiesExcept as provided for by section 94C(2) of the RMA, applications for a resource consent for a restricted discretionary activity listed in clause 5.5.1 will be considered without public notification or the need to obtain written approval of or serve notice on affected persons (in accordance in with section 94D(2) and (3) of the RMA). 5.6 Rules - development controls5.6.1 ComplianceThe development controls listed in clauses 5.6.2 - 5.6.10 apply as follows:
5.6.2 Height
5.6.3 Building in relation to boundary
5.6.4 Yards
5.6.5 Building coverageAny building associated with network utility services must comply with the building coverage control applying in relevant land unit or settlement area in which it is located. However this rule does not apply to special purpose sites created by subdivision under clause 12.9.2. 5.6.6 Ridgeline controlAny building associated with network utility services must comply with the ridgeline control applying in the land unit or settlement area in which it is located. 5.6.7 Tree and vegetation removalAny network utility service must comply with the indigenous vegetation controls and any exotic tree protection controls applying in the land unit or settlement area in which they are located. Refer to clause 10c.5.3 for rules about exotic tree and indigenous vegetation protection on legal roads. Notes:
5.6.8 NoiseAny activity that generates noise must comply with the noise standards applying in the land unit or settlement area in which it is located, and any noise standards in part 4 - General rules. However the noise standards do not apply to the noise from vehicles on public roads. 5.6.9 DustWhere any activity that generates dust, all reasonable steps must be taken to suppress the dust. 5.6.10 EarthworksEarthworks associated with network utility services (including the construction of access) must comply with the earthworks controls applying in the land unit or settlement area in which they are located. Earthworks associated with the use, maintenance and upgrading of existing formed public roads are a permitted activity. However where such earthworks are carried out, erosion and sediment control methods must be undertaken to minimise silt runoff in accordance with appendix 16 - Erosion and sediment control guidelines for earthworks. 5.7 Other requirements5.7.1 Air emissions and odourNetwork utility services that generate air emissions and odour may require resource consent from the ARC. 5.7.2 Signs, spill lighting and radio frequency fieldsThe council's bylaws control the following:
5.7.3 Electromagnetic field emissionsNetwork utility services that generate electromagnetic field emissions are controlled by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection Guidelines 2001. 5.7.4 Roading opening noticesAny proposal to construct utility services under or on legal road must apply for a road opening notice (RON) under the Local Government Act 2004. The network utility operator must comply with requirements in that Act regarding traffic safety, location and placement of structures, occupation of the road and reinstatement. A means of compliance is meeting the requirements of the Code of Practice for Working in the Road. Any activity under, above or over legal road must meet the requirements set out in clauses 5.7.1 - 5.7.3 above. 5.8 Matters of discretion and assessment criteria5.8.1 Matters of discretion for restricted discretionary activitiesFor restricted discretionary activities the council has restricted its discretion to considering the following matters:
5.8.2 Assessment criteria for discretionary activitiesThe council's assessment of an application for a discretionary activity will include consideration of all the matters in clause 5.8.1. 5.9 Relationship with rules in other parts of the PlanPart 14 - Definitions must be referred to as it is contains definitions of terms used in this part of the Plan. The following parts of the Plan should also be referred to as they may also contain rules which apply to a particular site or proposed network utility service:
For the avoidance of doubt it is noted that: