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Hauraki Gulf Islands  review

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Issues and options papers

Residential Development Definitions

The Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan currently provides a number of definitions relating to residential uses. Some aspects of the definitions for "accessory buildings", "residential purposes", "dwelling", "housekeeping unit" and "visitor facilities" are related. The wording of these definitions can be subjective and difficult to administer. For instance, the definition of "dwelling" states that where there are separate buildings they are required to be integral. This is very subjective and does not provide certainty for Council staff or the public.

There is often a desire to have family live in a separate small dwelling on a site. Currently this would be assessed as a multiple dwelling. However, as the plan does not provide for this type of extended family living in a 'minor unit', a "visitor facility" is often utilised as a means to get a second, self-contained facility. In some cases the facility is never used for its stated purpose. Should the District Plan contain a provision for a small unit on a site for the exclusive use of family? While this may be an approach to deal with family housing, there might be issues of enforcement if such a provision was incorporated into the Plan. Should a financial contribution be taken for these dwellings, and should there be subdivision limitations for these dwellings?

Plan change 101 to the Isthmus Plan (now operative) amended the definitions of "residential unit" and "accessory building". An accessory building cannot include a kitchen sink or dishwashing facility. Should a similar approach be taken in the Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan?

Possible approaches

You may have a better or alternative approach to those outlined below. If so, we would like to hear from you.

  • Retain the status quo.
  • Create a new definition of "minor residential unit" with clear, non-subjective boundaries.
  • Amend the current definitions relating to residential uses to remove subjectivity.
  • Define what makes a building "self-contained".
  • Define "kitchen".
  • Amend definitions to be consistent with Isthmus Plan change 101.


While this issue paper can be read in isolation, it is best read in association with the issue papers relating to: