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Plans, policies and reports

District Plan - Hauraki Gulf Islands section

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District plan review

What is the district plan review? | Why review now? | Consultation approach | Issues and options papers | Consultation | Focus groups | District plan review phone survey

Matiatia Bay, Waiheke. What is the District Plan review?

Auckland City has reviewed its district plan for the Hauraki Gulf islands and on 18 September 2006 publicly notified the Auckland City District Plan: Proposed Hauraki Gulf Islands Section 2006.

The proposed plan sets out a framework to manage the islands' physical and natural resources in a sustainable way.

It will help to guide the development of the area for the next 10 years and beyond and will affect what residents and ratepayers can and cannot do with their properties.

Councils are required to review their district plans every 10 years and the proposed HGI plan was developed following nine months of consultation with Gulf island residents, ratepayers and other interested parties.

The submission period to the proposed plan closed on 11 December 2006.

Reviewed January 2009