Auckland Council website.
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This is the former Auckland City Council website, which has some of the information and services you need if you live or do business in the area. Go to the main Auckland Council website to access the complete range of council services.
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Plans, policies and reports
Plans, policies and reports

District Plan - Hauraki Gulf Islands section

<< Operative plan
<< Proposed plan

District plan review

What is the district plan review? | Why review now? | Consultation approach | Issues and options papers | Consultation | Focus groups | District plan review phone survey

Reference material

The council has given public notice of the material incorporated by reference in the Auckland City District Plan - Proposed Hauraki Gulf Islands Section (2006). Such material has legal effect as part of the plan. In March-April 2006, the council consulted on proposals to incorporate material by reference in the plan. The council has considered comments received.

Click here to view a full list of reference documents.

The material may be inspected free of charge during business hours at:

  • Level 11, Civic Building, 1 Greys Avenue, Auckland city
  • Waiheke Service Centre, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke Island
  • Great Barrier Island Service Centre, Claris, Great Barrier Island